Laksam to Akhaura Train Schedule with Ticket Price
The Laksam to Akhaura route has 2 trains. They start to leave at 07:30 am. The ticket price starts from 167.0 BDT.
The Laksam to Akhaura route has 2 trains. They start to leave at 07:30 am. The ticket price starts from 167.0 BDT.
The Laksam to Shaistaganj route has 1 trains. They start to leave at 11:47 pm. The ticket price starts from 150.0 BDT.
The Laksam to Quasba route has 1 trains. They start to leave at 07:30 am. The ticket price starts from 127.0 BDT.
The Laksam to Hajiganj route has 1 trains. They start to leave at 08:32 pm. The ticket price starts from 50.0 BDT.
The Laksam to Chattogram route has 8 trains. They start to leave at 01:12 am. The ticket price starts from 125.0 BDT.
The Laksam to Sreemangal route has 1 trains. They start to leave at 11:47 pm. The ticket price starts from 180.0 BDT.
The Laksam to Sylhet route has 2 trains. They start to leave at 10:03 am. The ticket price starts from 260.0 BDT.
The Laksam to Nangolkot route has 1 trains. They start to leave at 06:35 am. The ticket price starts from 104.0 BDT.
The Laksam to Bhairab Bazar route has 2 trains. They start to leave at 02:40 pm. The ticket price starts from 125.0 BDT.
The Laksam to Chandpur route has 1 trains. They start to leave at 08:32 pm. The ticket price starts from 104.0 BDT.