Aricha-Ghat to Coxs-Bazar bus ticket price ranges from 1300 to 1200 BDT(Taka). The buses are available from 04:30 AM to 08:00 AM at their respective counters. More necessary information regarding the bus ticket price, time schedule, bus companies, bus counters, bus names, bus types, seat types, and travel duration is provided here.
Things To Know Before Going To Coxs-Bazar From Aricha-Ghat By Bus
The Ticket Price for the buses that leave Aricha-Ghat and go to Coxs-Bazar ranges from 1300 to 1200 BDT(Taka).
To go from Aricha-Ghat to Coxs-Bazar the journey by road by bus may take up from 11.0 to 13.0 hours.
At Aricha-Ghat, the buses that leave for Coxs-Bazar are available from 04:30 AM to 08:00 AM.
There are a total of 2 companies that run their buses on the Aricha-Ghat to Coxs-Bazar route.
The names of the companies that run their buses from Aricha-Ghat to Coxs-Bazar are American Express and Nabila express
There are a total of 3 buses that depart from Aricha-Ghat and arrive at Coxs-Bazar.
The bus running on the Aricha-Ghat to Coxs-Bazar route is Non AC.
The seat types of the buses on the Aricha-Ghat to Coxs-Bazar route are B-Class and E-Class.
Aricha-Ghat To Coxs-Bazar AC Non AC Bus Counters Time Table With Ticket Prices And All Details
Bus Name | Bus Type | Starting Point | End Point | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Travel Duration | Seat Type | Ticket Price |
Nabila express | Non AC | aricha counter | Dolphin mur counter | 04:30 AM | 05:30 PM | 13.0 Hrs | E-Class | 1200 Tk |
Nabila express | Non AC | aricha counter | Dolphin mur counter | 05:00 AM | 05:30 PM | 12.5 Hrs | B-Class | 1300 Tk |
American Express | Non AC | Aricha Counter | Dolphin Counter | 08:00 AM | 07:00 PM | 11.0 Hrs | E-Class | 1200 Tk |