The Rangpur to Pirgacha route has 2 trains running on the route. The trains start to depart from Rangpur station at 10:31 am. The last train leaves Rangpur station at 08:10 pm. The trains start to arrive at Pirgacha station from around 11:40 am to around 09:05 pm. The journey from one station to the other takes around 01h 09m to 00h 55m. There are 4 seating option. The ticket price starts from 115.0 BDT. The last price of the ticket is 50.0 BDT. All the information here is collected from the official website of Bangladesh Railway. From there you can get the tickets to travel from Rangpur station to Pirgacha station.
To buy a ticket, you must register first with your NID, Mobile Number, and Date of Birth. Tickets can be bought online ten days in advance, from the website or the official Rail Sheba app. You can pay for the tickets using Bkash, Nagad, Rocket, Upay, Mastercard, Visa, DBBL Nexus, etc.
Train Information Summary
Departure Times: 10:31 am, 08:10 pm
Arrival Times: 11:40 am, 09:05 pm
Durations: 01h 09m, 00h 55m
Fares: 115.0 BDT, 150.0 BDT, 45.0 BDT, 50.0 BDT
Rangpur to Pirgacha Train Detail Information
Train | Departure | Arrival | Duration | Seat | Fare | Off |
DOLONCHAPA EXPRESS (768) | 10:31 am | 11:40 am | 01h 09m | SHOVAN | 45.0 BDT | No Off |
RANGPUR EXPRESS (772) | 08:10 pm | 09:05 pm | 00h 55m | AC_B | 150.0 BDT | Sun |
RANGPUR EXPRESS (772) | 08:10 pm | 09:05 pm | 00h 55m | SNIGDHA | 115.0 BDT | Sun |
RANGPUR EXPRESS (772) | 08:10 pm | 09:05 pm | 00h 55m | S_CHAIR | 50.0 BDT | Sun |